
Automated drop-set function

Julian Goggi 7 years ago updated by Peter Naughton 6 years ago 9

Personally I would love to see an automated drop-set function (obviously this can just be done manually but I wonder how this affects the algorithm for the next workout-guess we shall find out if it asks me to deload or start with a super light weight :-).



Thanks y'all for your patience! Instead of drop sets, we ended up automating rest-pause sets. In some ways, they're better. To learn more, check out this new guide: http://drmuscleapp.com/news/rest-pause/.

I'm marking this feature as completed. If you voted for it, now would be a great time to suggest and vote for other features. Here are the top voted features: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1-submit-your-feedback/topics#.

All the best,



This feature is now one of the most popular :)

So, I'm marking it as "Planned".

For now, here's how you can do drop sets with the app:

If the app says to do 2 sets, and you did this:

Set 1: 20kg for 10 reps followed by 10kg for 10 reps and then 5kg for 10 reps

Set 2: 20kg for 10 reps followed by 10kg for 10 reps and then 5kg for 10 reps

You would enter:

Set 1: 20 kg for 10 reps

Set 2: 20 kg for 10 reps

That's it. Don't write your drop sets down. It doesn't actually make a difference, because drop sets do not influence your progression inside the app and its recommendations.

On your next workout, the app will recommend another top weight in another rep range. You can drop that weight at your leisure.

I realise you're not recording your drop sets in your history, so this solution is far from perfect. We'll fix that when we implement the drop set feature. But for now, the training effect will be the same.

Quick question- I was supposed to do 5 sets of 6 reps at 26kg today but did not have the function on the cable machine, so instead did 6 sets of 8 reps at 25kg and the app told me that I had decreased my 1RM and to deload.  A quirk of the algorithm? I assume that it only accesses the load and reps from one set (the highest) and calculates from that. 

So any way to override the deload function? 

We've updated the 1RM formula inside the algorithm last week. So if you haven't done that exercise since the update, yes, it's a quirk of the algorithm.

To override the deload:

1) Go to your history (Home > Workouts (top) > History (bottom left))

2) Find the workout that triggered your deload

3) Delete that exercise in that workout

4) Enter that exercise again today in the app, but enter 6 sets of 9 reps (instead of 8) at 25 kg

The app should record that your 1RM has increased, and you won't get a deload.

Another option is to simply do more reps / add weight on your next workout with that exercise, hence "manually" ignoring the deload the app is recommending. The app will adjust on your next workout.

I realise this is a bit of a hassle, but we had to update the 1RM formula to improve the app. We're in early access and we improve the app often. Soon enough, the app will be more stable and these quirks won't happen.

I appreciate your patience and thoughtful comments. Thanks!

Quick update on this suggestion:

I've discovered and tested a technique that's faster and perhaps even more effective than drop sets. It's the rest-pause technique.

With the rest-pause technique, you can build muscle just as fast (or faster) with 1 set than you would with 3 normal sets, according to a study published in 2017 by researchers from Brazil (Prestes et al. 2017).

Here’s a quick overview of the results of that study, with a tutorial on how to use that technique inside Dr. Muscle:

For more info, check out this post on our blog:

How to Build Muscle in Half the Time With The Rest-Pause Technique Inside Dr. Muscle

We plan on implementing this technique further in Dr. Muscle, but for now, this quick and dirty way does the trick.


Prestes J, Tibana RA, de Araujo Sousa E, da Cunha Nascimento D, de Oliveira Rocha P, Camarço NF, Frade de Sousa NM, Willardson JM. Strength And Muscular Adaptations Following 6 Weeks Of Rest-Pause Versus Traditional Multiple-Sets Resistance Training In Trained Subjects. J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Apr 4.

I saw the video on how to manually do rest-pause sets with the drmuscleapp, however, when (is there a date or timeframe) by which the application will directly/automatically support rest-pause sets?

Hi David,

We've had a few surprises building the app, so I've learned that it's hard to tell ahead of time with precision. I can give you a general estimate of around 8 weeks.

I know many users are using rest-pause already with the video I've posted on this thread and on our blog. If you're having a hard time using it, please email our support. We'll help you out.



Thanks y'all for your patience! Instead of drop sets, we ended up automating rest-pause sets. In some ways, they're better. To learn more, check out this new guide: http://drmuscleapp.com/news/rest-pause/.

I'm marking this feature as completed. If you voted for it, now would be a great time to suggest and vote for other features. Here are the top voted features: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1-submit-your-feedback/topics#.

All the best,


There should be a way to either turn off rest-pause or to apply it to individual exercises instead of having rest-pause applied to my entire workout program because there are many exercises that I prefer the full range of reps and sets instead of rest-pause.