
Per side or combined amounts flag for exercise weight

Martin 6 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 5 years ago 7

It would be very helpful to have a flag that indicates per exercise if the weight listed is per individual weight (e.g. dumb bell) or combined (barbell).  Certain exercises right now need to he 2x or halved since it is ambiguous from the description of exercises and users can create their own exercises.  This would be helpful for data quality and normalization purposes cross users as well since there is no way to tell now.




Bob, you're absolutely right. This topic is one year old and we've since updated the app to show "If you're using dumbbells, enter the weight for one hand" and walk users through unilateral exercises with popups for "Side 1" and "Side 2". So, I'm marking this as completed.

Joel, I wouldn't advise you do the unilateral exercises that way, for reasons Bob explained (thx Bob!). But if you still want to do it, you can create custom exercises that are not unilateral and swap them in. Simply replace the ones the app uses by yours, and you'll be good to go.

Big thanks for all who voted for this topic.

Machine are really tricky on this, specially calculating the "General" 1RM for the whole workout.... There should be a way to get the app informed that the weight that i indicate should be counted as 1X or as 0.5X depending (or as 1X or as 2X) the situation.

The idea is that 60 lbs Machine Fly are the same as 30 lbs Dumbbell Fly when calculating 1RM...

yes. Never know if I should list the total weight or the weight of each dumbell

For easier life, i do list weight of each dumbbell but i think the app should directly ask the question ! PS: Don't forget to vote ;)

On one hand, if BB or DB is not listed in the app, it might be confusing. On the other hand …. it should be clear from the weight that you are doing. Example. If a "Curl" is listed at 50# (DB) the odds of you being able to curl 100# dumbbells are pretty slim, so if 100# it must be a barbell or plate weight.  I think the app has also been updated since this question as well to show Unilateral or Bilateral exercises.


In addition, I find it frustrating that unilateral exercises have only the option to "Do all sets for side 1" first, then repeat for side two. Is there a way to choose so that you can alternate sides each set?


Before they added complete all sets on "Side 1" then do "Side 2", I was doing 1st set left, 1st set right, and then saving the set. The "problem" is the rest periods are all wrong between sets. There is really no way to account for the time it took you to do Side 2, meanwhile Side 1 is in "rest time" while you are doing side 2 ... so it messes up the timing for rest pause sets. It does add time to the workout, but I've gotten used to it. I think taking the extra time is better than messing up the rest pause timing in the long run.


Bob, you're absolutely right. This topic is one year old and we've since updated the app to show "If you're using dumbbells, enter the weight for one hand" and walk users through unilateral exercises with popups for "Side 1" and "Side 2". So, I'm marking this as completed.

Joel, I wouldn't advise you do the unilateral exercises that way, for reasons Bob explained (thx Bob!). But if you still want to do it, you can create custom exercises that are not unilateral and swap them in. Simply replace the ones the app uses by yours, and you'll be good to go.

Big thanks for all who voted for this topic.