Under review

Restrict rep range for some exercises

Nick Monastiriotis 8 years ago updated by Michael Robards 8 years ago 2

There are a few exercises, like, for example, the Deadlift (or the Olympic Lifts and derivatives) which is a bit risky (for lack of a better term) to use for, say, more than 6 reps (due to technique, etc)?  Could a distinction be made perhaps for such exercises?  Not sure...


I just did some Deadlifts yesterday (with a ridiculously low load, just exercising, but that's not the point, lol) and saw 11 reps (which is fine based on the DUP, of course), but it just stuck with me...

Under review

I agree it might be a good idea to restrict the rep range for some exercises. Especially the olympic lifts, like you mentioned. Good thing we don't have those in the app!

Other trainers have argued biceps curls shouldn't be done for 4-5 reps. Only 6 reps or more. For deadlifts, I think they can be done safely for higher reps. They're just hard :)

For each of those, there's also the question of reps in reserve. If people are doing a set of 11 reps on the DL with a 13RM weight, even if it's hard, it's still safe.

Still, I'm thinking we could add a "restrict rep range" screen with default settings for biceps, deadlift, oly lifts, etc. each user could edit. We'll see if lots of people vote for this. Guys, what do you think?

The weight is the determining factor in whether an exercise is safe. A light weight can be performed for many reps with any exercise, including deadlift or olympic lifts. Just ask crossfitters!