
Add an option on the home page to change venue (gym / home / bodyweight)

John Kaplan 5 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 2 months ago 1

I found the venue selection this morning.  It seems to be in an odd place for me.  For someone who generally works out in a given venue every time, having its selection as a “setting” is logical, but for one who varies frequently, having that as an option on the normal first page of the app makes more sense.  Plus if you put it there, a user can just ignore it if you supply their default.

In short, it would be convenient for everyone if it were an option on the app’s first working page.  The default you supply could be from the spec, where it is now, or maybe the same as the user’s last selection.

IOS has a number of cute, but not user-friendly entry options.  What we used to call Radio Buttons seems like an unobtrusive, easy way to select that day’s venue options.  Display the three with the default highlighted.  A user who wants a different choice taps it to select it.



Implemented some time ago, but not updated here. The app now asks you which gym profile you want to load when you tap Start workout. Marking this as completed.


Implemented some time ago, but not updated here. The app now asks you which gym profile you want to load when you tap Start workout. Marking this as completed.