
Start/save sets with a remote (no need to pick up an tap the phone every set)

Stephen Cohen 5 years ago updated by Victor Tamashiro 5 years ago 3

Having to move to, pick up and tap the phone every set is a bit clumsy.  I thought it would  be nice to have a button that would trigger the default action (next/finished).  Something like THIS.  The app would need to recognize the device, map to the appropriate logical button and respond within the current state of the application. 

I’d like this via Apple Watch integration.

I'm a bit mixed on this, i think it's a good idea but i'm not sure i would use it, when i tap the phone for confirming the set, it's also when i "Discover" the next weight and rep for the next set...

I thought about this before but I realized that I frequently change the weight or the number of reps and I record it in the app. I solved the inconvenience  by attaching the phone to a selfie tripod and keep the unit next to me at 2 to 3 feet above ground level. I found this solution very convenient and quick to handle any changes I want to make on the app.