
Rest pause and regular sets for individual exercises.

Peter Naughton 5 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 5 years ago 2

I think that there should be a way to specify if you want to use rest-pause or normal sets sot that it can be customized to specific exercises and not the entire workout because deadlifts work best with rest-pause and something like bicep curls work better with regular sets.



Thanks for voting for this feature!

This was implemented some time ago. You can now choose from normal or rest-pause sets at the exercise level. Tap "..." and "more" to toggle the option on or off.

All the best,



This is a technical matter and I leave that decision to the experts (Carl) who, in turn, will use the best information based on science. I got this app to be my coach, if I start changing the settings then the app will become my timer.


Thanks for voting for this feature!

This was implemented some time ago. You can now choose from normal or rest-pause sets at the exercise level. Tap "..." and "more" to toggle the option on or off.

All the best,
