
Entrance of a new 6RM in an existing exercise

Nick Monastiriotis 8 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 8 years ago 3

If I feel my initial estimation of a 6RM (i.e., not actually tested for some reason) is low and want to test/6RM this exercise at a random point, what's the best way to enter this new 6RM in the exercise I am already doing? Switching off and on this exercise doesn't ask again for a 6RM.

A quick solution, I guess, would be to rename this exercise and enter it in your workout (e.g., Squat, Deep instead of Squat), but of course, long term, you wouldn't have the whole progression of an exercise...



The best solution, IMO, would be to simply work out with the exercise and enter the weights you can really do. If you're doing more than recommended by the app, the app will calibrate. On your next workout, you'll get a recommendation that's much more in line with your actual work capacity.


The best solution, IMO, would be to simply work out with the exercise and enter the weights you can really do. If you're doing more than recommended by the app, the app will calibrate. On your next workout, you'll get a recommendation that's much more in line with your actual work capacity.

I will do that then, thanks!