
Bug: Previous Sets Wrong

Joseph Williams 4 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 4 years ago 1

Recently, I've noticed that while the app requests reasonable weights and numbers of reps per work set, the yellow text is very wrong.  The yellow text describing the work sets I previously did and the percentage increase in strength the current work sets will give is clearly being calculated from a much lower weight.  So, while the application chooses something appropriate, the yellow text is useless.  This also makes it difficult to make slight adjustments to the recommended weight and number of reps because I can't see what I did last time.   I've included screenshots below to illustrate what I mean.

Image 85



Thanks for reporting that issue Joe. We're on it. In fact, I believe we already have a fix in beta. I'm sending you an email now in case you'd like to join the beta and get the fix right away. For other customers reading this, please email support@drmuscleapp.com to join.

Otherwise, the fix should be out in 1-2 weeks.

Thx so much!



Thanks for reporting that issue Joe. We're on it. In fact, I believe we already have a fix in beta. I'm sending you an email now in case you'd like to join the beta and get the fix right away. For other customers reading this, please email support@drmuscleapp.com to join.

Otherwise, the fix should be out in 1-2 weeks.

Thx so much!
