
Less agressive marketing

Martin Hayes 4 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 4 years ago 3

A prime example is the 5 steps of trying to add things to my final bill when checking out for the app. I'd had a fairly lengthy discussion with marketing about the monthly cost as I'm a student with sorely limited income. After arranging a deal on the price, I then almost quit when trying to complete it due to the Just 4 more clicks through stuff I can't afford before we'll let you buy the one thing you want!

Maybe it's just me?



Thx for your honest feedback guys. I know some people dislike seeing things to add to their order like that. Other people actually add them -- some subscribers switched from monthly to annual that way and are happy customers today. The extra revenue helps us fund better features for the app, so everyone benefits. It's a hard balance to strike. Still, I can understand you didn't like the process, so I'll keep that in mind for when we redesign it. For now, I'm marking this as completed -- moving forward let's keep this forum for feature requests. Cheers.

It's not just you, I felt the same way. If this app hadn't come recommended by Will Brink, I would've thought it's just another grifter trying to make a quick buck, and would've definetely cancelled the purchase. This sleazy marketing is 100% at odds with the seriousness and quality of the app itself. My guess is some marketing guru convinced Carl that this is the way it has to be done. It doesn't suit his style at all.

Yeah exactly right, I got the recommendation and downloaded the app. I was super impressed with how it worked and being in the medical field I'm actually very used to reading medical papers so seeing the research that the app is based on was actually quite interesting. The marketing however made me question whether Dr Carl is actually real :(


Thx for your honest feedback guys. I know some people dislike seeing things to add to their order like that. Other people actually add them -- some subscribers switched from monthly to annual that way and are happy customers today. The extra revenue helps us fund better features for the app, so everyone benefits. It's a hard balance to strike. Still, I can understand you didn't like the process, so I'll keep that in mind for when we redesign it. For now, I'm marking this as completed -- moving forward let's keep this forum for feature requests. Cheers.