
Add extra button after first work set

Christofer S 4 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 6 months ago 3

If you push button "that was hard" is automaticly lower the weights, but you should add an extra button

That was hard (Keep Weight)

That was hard (Lower weight)



Great catch guys. I reviewed this with the team and we'll be making changes to make that experience smoother. "Very hard" will not lower the weight anymore (we'll achieve the same training stimulus another way, perhaps by lowering reps instead). Look for the fix in beta and then public in 2-3 weeks.

Yes this would be great - I always just manually adjust the weight to keep it the same as I have no time to be able to change plates in the rest time given.


Great catch guys. I reviewed this with the team and we'll be making changes to make that experience smoother. "Very hard" will not lower the weight anymore (we'll achieve the same training stimulus another way, perhaps by lowering reps instead). Look for the fix in beta and then public in 2-3 weeks.