
Ability to use both kilograms and pounds in customisation field.

Martin Hayes 4 years ago updated by David 2 years ago 2

My gym has equipment from several different vendors. Sometimes the equipment measures in pounds and on other machines it measures in kilos. This makes it difficult to specify what machines I can use as if the app is set to kilos, I can't enter that on a machine that uses Lbs. If we could specify in an exercise that this particular machine uses Lbs and not kilos, that would be quite useful for me. 

I have my squat rack weights that are in lbs while my adjustable dumbbells are in kg. The app lets me choose one or the other, so though I have it set for lbs, when I go to the dumbbell weights, I have created a separate chart on paper that lets me do the closest adjustment. It’d be great if the app let you choose lbs or kg by device rather than for one for the whole app or if there were an option to express the weight in “50 lbs/25 kg”.

Another vote for this.

I am in the UK and so my barbell plates are in KG.

However the only decent adjustable dumbbells on the market are American so my dumbbell weights are in lbs.

The dumbbells do have markers on them to give approximate kg values but it's always slightly off what it should be and so the precise and accurate progressive overload that is the whole point of the Dr Muscle AI is compromised.

I would welcome the ability to select different kg/lbs for plates, dumbbells and pulleys!

Thanks to all the team at Dr Muscle for a great app.