
Dumbbell row - doing sides 1 and 2 each set.

William Cavanaugh 4 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 4 years ago 1

If possible, I would like to be able to work sides 1 and 2 in the same set. I don’t have a lot of time to waste in the early morning when I get my sessions in. It makes more sense to do both sides in one set than to do each side separately. Thanks in advance for the review.



Hi William. I can suggest a few solutions here:

1) Swap for a barbell row (tap More and Swap).

2) Do both sides in the same set while the app thinks you're doing side 1. When the app asks you about side 2, just tap tap tap to save all sets.

3) Create a custom exercise called Dumbbell Row (both sides) and swap it in. To do that, tap Exercise (bottom bar), Exercises (middle image), and the big plus button (bottom right).

Note that we don't really recommend doing both sides with no rest, because there is some central nervous system fatigue that carries over from side 1 to side 2 (you may notice you're always weaker on side 2, that's why). But I can understand the need to save time. So in the end, it's your call.

For now, I'm marking this as completed. if you need more help, please email support@drmuscleapp.com. Thx!


Hi William. I can suggest a few solutions here:

1) Swap for a barbell row (tap More and Swap).

2) Do both sides in the same set while the app thinks you're doing side 1. When the app asks you about side 2, just tap tap tap to save all sets.

3) Create a custom exercise called Dumbbell Row (both sides) and swap it in. To do that, tap Exercise (bottom bar), Exercises (middle image), and the big plus button (bottom right).

Note that we don't really recommend doing both sides with no rest, because there is some central nervous system fatigue that carries over from side 1 to side 2 (you may notice you're always weaker on side 2, that's why). But I can understand the need to save time. So in the end, it's your call.

For now, I'm marking this as completed. if you need more help, please email support@drmuscleapp.com. Thx!