
Bands Colour Options

Kevin Gale 3 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 5 months ago 6

With the option to select ‘Bands’, can the AI system classify the ‘Colours’ and add/select the colours.

To the best of my knowledge.  Commonly used colours which represent from high-low resistance: Green, Purple, Yellow, Red.



Thanks for voting for this feature -- it's in beta! From the announcement:

This is one of our top requested features, so I’m thrilled to bring it to you. You can now customize your bands under Settings > Change equipment. Set your colors and tension, and the app will increase your weights automatically for band exercises! This update also includes 3 new programs (legs, abs, glutes focus) and a number of bug fixes and improvements.

As many of you requested, we'll show custom bands by color during workouts (instead of tension) in our next update. We welcome your comments on this early release until then at support@drmuscleapp.com.

If you're in the beta:
On Android, you can already download the update. On iPhone? You'll have to wait 7-10 days for Apple to release it. To update:
– Open the store app on your phone
– Search for Dr. Muscle
– Tap update

Not in the beta? Click here to join: https://dr-muscle.com/beta-program/. Otherwise, you'll get a notification inside the app in 7-10 days when the public version comes out.

Now would be a good time to suggest and vote for our next feature. Please visit https://muscle.userecho.com/.

We've released 46 updates in 2021 (one a week or so). For the full list, see https://dr-muscle.com/timeline/.

Love Dr. Muscle? Upgrade to annual to get 4 months free. Training with a partner? Add them to your account for 50% off. Need help with your diet? Dr. Muscle now includes meal plans! Tap Get meal plan on your home page to get started.

Wanna do us a huge favor? Leave us a review on the app store. It's one of the main ways new people learn about us. It will take less than 2 minutes, and it would really help out!

Really appreciate your support and suggestions to improve the app. Thanks!

Dr. Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle


My set has different colors, but they're labeled with specific weights.  Maybe the app could ask for your color/weights?  Or allow you to change the default?


Carl (Dr muscle),

Can I ask a quick query for the band workouts. It would be good if the bands workout weights gave a facility to write the colour/combination or weight to it rather than putting body weight. It would be handy especially for those with a large suite of resistance bands.




It was difficult to do with the bands in the sense of knowing what size band to use, and remember which one I did use since I had to use different sizes for each exercise.

The best would be to extend the plate selection feature so that the app tells you which band or combination of bands to use. 

What I would like to see is first the ability to define, in the equipment section, which bands I have in terms of resistance (kg/lbs). I would also like the program to track weight/resistance for each exercice, and tell me which bands or combinations of bands to use for each exercice, and for the AI to track and adjust repetitions and weight based on progress, just as it does for other types of workouts. I would also like it to support warm up sets and back-off sets like it does for non-band exercices. Thanks so much for adding these feature to your already great app!


Thanks for voting for this feature -- it's in beta! From the announcement:

This is one of our top requested features, so I’m thrilled to bring it to you. You can now customize your bands under Settings > Change equipment. Set your colors and tension, and the app will increase your weights automatically for band exercises! This update also includes 3 new programs (legs, abs, glutes focus) and a number of bug fixes and improvements.

As many of you requested, we'll show custom bands by color during workouts (instead of tension) in our next update. We welcome your comments on this early release until then at support@drmuscleapp.com.

If you're in the beta:
On Android, you can already download the update. On iPhone? You'll have to wait 7-10 days for Apple to release it. To update:
– Open the store app on your phone
– Search for Dr. Muscle
– Tap update

Not in the beta? Click here to join: https://dr-muscle.com/beta-program/. Otherwise, you'll get a notification inside the app in 7-10 days when the public version comes out.

Now would be a good time to suggest and vote for our next feature. Please visit https://muscle.userecho.com/.

We've released 46 updates in 2021 (one a week or so). For the full list, see https://dr-muscle.com/timeline/.

Love Dr. Muscle? Upgrade to annual to get 4 months free. Training with a partner? Add them to your account for 50% off. Need help with your diet? Dr. Muscle now includes meal plans! Tap Get meal plan on your home page to get started.

Wanna do us a huge favor? Leave us a review on the app store. It's one of the main ways new people learn about us. It will take less than 2 minutes, and it would really help out!

Really appreciate your support and suggestions to improve the app. Thanks!

Dr. Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle