Under review

Improve app speed and responsiveness after pressing a button

Ari G 3 years ago updated by André Ferreira 3 years ago 3

Increase speed of the app after pressing a button when moving on to the next exercise or completing a set (currently there is a lag)

Under review

Thanks for that suggestion Ari. And I can see it's getting votes already. Guys, quick question: we could double speed / responsiveness by having each exercise open on its own page (instead of having all exercises open and close on the same page). Downsides include making it a bit harder to do supersets (more taps) and seeing which exercises are coming up while you're doing one. But responsiveness would be faster. With that, overall, would you guys be happy with that change?


I don’t think that would be wise. I really like to have the whole perspective in the same page. I’d trade the speed for that.

Thank you for considering this.  I actually like the fact that I can see what other exercises are in the set, so I am not sure if I would wish for that as a trade off however I do think improving the overall responsiveness would improve the user friendliness of the application.