
Bar weight to zero

Gaetan Mac Donald 3 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 4 months ago 2

It couldt be nice to be able to set de bar weight to zero.  In some exercice, like hacksqat there is no need ( at my gym ) to consider the bar weight



Thanks for voting for this suggestion: it's live!

You can now adjust your bar weight all the way down to 0 in the plate calculator, allowing you to work with bars of any weight.

Pumped? Now would be a good time to vote for our next features at https://muscle.userecho.com/.

Thanks again for your support,



Thank you for that great suggestion Gaetan. Makes total sense, and it should be easy to do. We'll implement it in our next release. Expect it to go live in 3-4 weeks. Thank you!


Thanks for voting for this suggestion: it's live!

You can now adjust your bar weight all the way down to 0 in the plate calculator, allowing you to work with bars of any weight.

Pumped? Now would be a good time to vote for our next features at https://muscle.userecho.com/.

Thanks again for your support,
