
Add more training methods

Guillaume R 3 years ago updated by Angelo Azuar 2 years ago 1

Training should be always new, fun and challenging. When you've trained for a long period of time (more than 20 years), you need a lot of variety to stay focus, having results, and the more important thing, still eager to hit the gym because you like your program. This is why I beleive a lot of training methods should be add in Dr. Muscle, like:

(Carl Juneau: the blackjack from the "vidéo du mois")

- Dropsets

- Plyometric

- Superslow (10 sec per rep or even more)

- Pause at the bottom

- Super 21

- 1 and a half rep

- Antagonist supersets

- Excentric only

- Explosive

- Contrast

- Flat

- etc

I agree. This app could do better with rep ranges and adding more exercises, partial reps, last rep 30 sec. holds for hypertrophy training.