
Swap Out Exercise

Marc David 7 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 7 years ago 11

The ability in a workout to "swipe" away an exercise and pick another.  Maybe I don't like it but I like the pre-defined routine.  Maybe the equipment is taken by somebody and they'll never leave.  Or I have an injury and while I can't do a hip thrust, I could do a reverse hyperextension for the glutes.  Some method to dismiss a single exercise and the option to add or replace with another.



You can now swap an exercise mid-workout.

This update is now available to everyone on Android and under review on iPhone (Apple should approve it in 1-2 days).

I'm marking this as "Completed." Thanks to all who voted.

For example.. let's say it's full body and I'm back to squats.  I'm tired of squats and I want to do a Safety Squat.  I like the rest of the routine, but I want to swipe away the recommendation for Squats and replace with Safety.  Or Front.  Or whatever.  Given I've done that exercise in the past, the app has some data and can recommend my weight, sets and reps or start fresh if it has no baseline.

Interesting suggestion Marc. Thank you. I like it.

For now, you'd have to create a custom workout with that exercise, or exit your workout and go to the exercises section to perform just that one. But that's a hassle compared to you suggestion to swap, which would make it much faster. Love it.


I do this quite regularly, a more streamlined process would be great!

Did this yesterday when I opted not to do Hip Thrusts and instead went for Reverse Hyperextensions. In doing so, leaving my "workout" to go to that Custom Exercise was confusing. When I finish the Reverse Hyperextensions, it was totally unclear how I continued with the current workout. I thought it was gone but I managed to get back. Swapping out within the workout would be a major benefit. Or if you did leave to do a custom exercise, at least an option to continue where you left off. 

Under review

Got it. Seeing how this idea has gotten a lot of +1s, it should be implemented pretty soon. I'm marking it as "Under review". I'll keep you posted. Thx!

+1 for this one.

My original question:

I note there is an area where you list other exercises.  Can any of these be put into the workout section that I am currently using…to replace an exercise in this predetermined section?  For example, there is some literature which suggests leg curls may not be all that functional - that in fact the Romanian Deadlifts is more useful.  I’m not claiming to be the expert here, I’m more interested in knowing if we can replace a certain exercise in the “Choose your workout” section with an exercise from the “Choose your exercise” section.

From what I know, you've got 2 options currently. 

1. Build your own custom workout.

2. Do the recommended workout, and instead of doing the exercise your talking about, back out to the home screen, go to exercises, pick the one you want, and do it!!

When your done with it, go back to your workout.  It will save it all the same.

Thanks Dustin - I'll have to regroup and see what I did wrong as I tried that and the system didn't save the exercise.  But I know me and am sure it's simply "user error".

No problem, make sure you hit "finish exercise"


We've begun implementing this suggestion. ETA is 2 weeks. Can't wait to hear what you guys think.


You can now swap an exercise mid-workout.

This update is now available to everyone on Android and under review on iPhone (Apple should approve it in 1-2 days).

I'm marking this as "Completed." Thanks to all who voted.