Customise the number of working sets each day if the week in advance

Gareth O 1 year ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 1 year ago 1

It would be nice if we could customise the number of working sets each day if the week in advance.

For example, I could specify ina my given week (and not per workout) how many working sets I want (say 9-18) and then it would open a sub tab allowing me to either evenly distribute the work sets across each workout or change them per day (I generally have more energy and time weekends than weekdays so my workouts are less intense then).

Further, if it had a function to remember what you set up last time (for eg I might choose to not do all the working sets in any one given exercise such as isolation and focus more on compound) but I'd like the system to remember and simply prompt 'do you want to keep the working set arrangement the same as previous workout?'



Gareth, thanks for your suggestion.

Until it gets more votes and we implement it, you may be able to achieve something similar by customizing work sets at the exercise, workout, or global levels. That's already live inside the app. Here's how:

- You can set work sets for all exercises under More > Settings.

- You can override that setting at the workout level under Exercise > Workout > Navigate to your program > ... > More > Use custom sets

- And you can also override that at the exercise level by tapping More and Settings next to any exercise during any workout.

As you can see, it's pretty flexible already. I hope this helps.


Gareth, thanks for your suggestion.

Until it gets more votes and we implement it, you may be able to achieve something similar by customizing work sets at the exercise, workout, or global levels. That's already live inside the app. Here's how:

- You can set work sets for all exercises under More > Settings.

- You can override that setting at the workout level under Exercise > Workout > Navigate to your program > ... > More > Use custom sets

- And you can also override that at the exercise level by tapping More and Settings next to any exercise during any workout.

As you can see, it's pretty flexible already. I hope this helps.