
Detailed Profile

Marc David 7 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 7 years ago 1

If there was a web version, I'd like the option to input a detailed profile section.  Let the app know I can't do a certain exercise (injury, surgery, recovery, whatever).

Then when it suggests I do a Level 3 workout, it will swap out anything I've listed as a no-go.

One thing an actual Personal Trainer (a good one anyway) will do is evaluate the client based on any current limitations and design a program for them.  Or use any number of standard programs but adjust based on any pre-existing conditions.

If the app somehow knew I couldn't Squat for whatever reason, it might suggest a leg press.  Or the case of somebody who's had back surgery, maybe Deadlifts are out of the question but Dumbbell deadlifts or a Glute Ham Raise might be a better safer option?

Love the idea Marc.

We could ask about injuries during account creation, have a list of "no-go" exercises, and have the app replace them automatically, like you suggest. You could edit that list in your profile.

We're getting started on that path with the next "My progression" screen (currently in beta). Actually, I was even thinking of naming that screen "My profile" (for when we add more options there later).

I look forward to implementing this.

Thank you for your suggestion,
