
Missing exercise animations

Ismar I 1 year ago updated by Rob W 2 days ago 4

Some exercises have very helpful animations of what I’ll call “Mr. Muscle” to show the movements for an exercise. For some exercises, however, those are missing completely. Each and every exercise in the app should have such an animation. This inconsistency isn't great.

Examples of exercises where animations are missing:

  • Plate row
  • Barbell shoulder press
  • Standing barbell triceps extension

This is just from from my workout program. There could be far more exercises missing an animation.



Hi guys,

You are correct: we have hundreds of exercises in the app, and they don't all have videos because that would make the app quite a hefty download. You can, however, tap "..." and "Video instructions" next to all exercises to learn more.

I can see this is getting more and more votes. We'll be happy to look into ways to fit more videos into the app (perhaps at a smaller size) when this becomes the top-requested feature.

Thanks for your feedback!


yes, it is a little bit inconsistent. Some exercises have animation some not. I am not sure if it a bug or some intention that I do not understand 


Hi guys,

You are correct: we have hundreds of exercises in the app, and they don't all have videos because that would make the app quite a hefty download. You can, however, tap "..." and "Video instructions" next to all exercises to learn more.

I can see this is getting more and more votes. We'll be happy to look into ways to fit more videos into the app (perhaps at a smaller size) when this becomes the top-requested feature.

Thanks for your feedback!


I would like to support the request for ALL exercises to have the animations. I don’t like using the “video instructions” option. What if I have no internet and I want to do a workout but I don’t know the movements?
I do agree it would make the app heavier to download but I believe that the benefits of all exercises having animations are far greater for all users than that minor inconvenience with the slower download and a little bit more storage used. 
Maybe you could consider implementing the animations for all exercises and giving the user the option to not download them? 


The animations are great for a quick reference, the links to youtube are not, for example dumbell deadlift and romanian dumbell deadlift are from different youtube channels but show exactly the same technique which isn't correct, more animations please!