
Make plate calculator take into account future sets

Eduardo V 8 months ago updated by Seppo V 4 months ago 2


There is an issue I am having based on how the app combines the plates.

I am using rest-pause sets (with limited resting time) and following the way the app arranges the plates makes it very difficult to be ready on time for the next set.

Moving 10 plates (per side) in 20 seconds is not easy. For example, the app arranges the following weights (left is the first weight going inside the bar):

Image 109

The last set with less weight has the same proble. Instead of telling you just to remove 10 lb+2.5+10lb, it will tell you to remove a bunch of them and then add the 45.

This is just an example, I guess the solution would be something like maintaining the first 2 plates the same during all sets (such as 10+2.5 or 10+5) and then changing the other 2 or 3, but sounds like a difficult programming problem

Also, an option to see the plate combinations of all series would be great.

I hope I didn’t make this idea too complicated.




Hi guys,

Nice to see this suggestion getting some votes. Here's a quick solution that might work until we implement something better:

You could try customizing your plates to remove the 45 lbs. That way, the app will always recommend a combination of smaller plates, potentially accomplishing what you're looking for here. You can do that under Settings (bottom bar) > Change equipment.



The same problem for me. Even if I’m not in rest pause I find it difficult to change plates in time, especially with deadlifts and hip thrusts. Sometimes I round app the weights in order to use big plates for deadlifts, especially in the first sets where weight is low


Hi guys,

Nice to see this suggestion getting some votes. Here's a quick solution that might work until we implement something better:

You could try customizing your plates to remove the 45 lbs. That way, the app will always recommend a combination of smaller plates, potentially accomplishing what you're looking for here. You can do that under Settings (bottom bar) > Change equipment.

