
Enhanced Meal Planning Customization

davithar 2 months ago 0


I appreciate the recent addition of the country option for meal planning. However, I believe there is a crucial feature missing that could significantly improve user experience: the ability to input specific products that are available or preferred by the user.

Problem: Choosing a country may not always resolve the issue of availability or personal preference for certain products. For instance, seasonal variations affect the availability of fruits like blueberries, and sometimes certain products are too expensive or unavailable, leading to difficulties in following a meal plan.

Proposed Solution: I suggest adding a feature that allows users to input specific products they prefer or have available. Based on these inputs, the AI could generate a meal plan tailored to the user’s actual food choices. This would provide a more flexible and realistic approach to meal planning.


  1. Personalization: Users can create meal plans that reflect their dietary preferences and available ingredients, leading to higher satisfaction and adherence.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Users can avoid planning meals with expensive or unavailable ingredients, helping them stay within their budget.
  3. Seasonal Adaptability: Meal plans can be adjusted according to seasonal availability, making them more practical and sustainable.