Make returning after a break smoother

Dvir K 3 months ago updated by Nick M 3 months ago 4

I fell off the wagon.. and now hoping to get back to it. So my suggestion feature is have the app realize I am falling behind when one stops logging exercises.. maybe change the messages and the monotonous reminders to something else after a certain break length.

Then when I came back, the app just mechanically [lowers my weights]... More artificial than intelligent, AI. I'd expect it to say something like hello! Welcome back, glad to see you, let me quickly review this and that and make a new plan for you to get back to your journey...Here is how we are going to do this...

Just a thought.

All the best,

I asked the same question and I’ve been told that after a break the app adjusts weights to reflect the break. So, no encouragement message but actually recalibration of weights. 
I'll see it myself cause I’m starting a two weeks holiday and I’ll see when I come back if it works

Yes you'll see.. it mainly just lowers the load.

but after a break of a few months. The AI summary is still something like "oh we made good progress on our... And the best lift was..." Which just doesn't make sense. It's not a major issue, just highlights the limits of the AI.

 Totally agree with this one. Same thing happened to me.. last workout in April of this year and every time I open the app it feels like the last workout I did was two days ago.

The app really needs to be smarter about welcoming people back after an extended (or really, any) break with a whole new user experience flow.

I suppose that's a downside of nurturing the outward appearance of a smart AI assistant. It feels pretty dumb the way it is now.

I confirm that after a two weeks break the app adjusted weights and reps to reflect a smoother start. My first leg day, in the medium version, was totally doable. Even the warm up was lighter than before.

I think the option it’s already and adequately covered