Better progression chart

Seppo V 4 days ago 0

The app tells me that my strength is up usually 100-150 percent from week to week. With this rate, I should be breaking world records in powerlifting soon, but I don't think this is going to happen. This is propably due to the app comparing total weight volume, instead of (estimated) 1RM in each exercise, which would be better value in determining progress. 

Also, during workouts, the app gives me weight x reps, and tells me how much this is compared to previous best (estimated 1 RM) - but actually it does not compare to previus best, but to a recent best or something similar.

For example, today I made progress in all exercises except one, but the after action report at the end of the workout told me that I broke the record only in two exercises. I think this is misleading, and I would get the extra boost if I knew how many reps I should make to break the record.