Your comments

So the users can change it according to their diet phase at the moment.

 When cutting select the easy, round down option and when bulking and having a lot of strenght select the harder option. 

Yes, I think this is the best ideea :) That would be great ....

I think that the best solution would be to round is down if you want to , but put in parentheses the exact value for us, the guys that want to increase the weight in a linear mannaer  for a long therm , and allso have access to 0.5 lbs plates.

Something like : use 100 lbs (101 lbs) for 5 reps.

The guys that have acces to microplates can use 101 lbs for 5 reps and the other guys can use 100 lbs and try 6 reps.

If we do one more rep than the app recommends for every excercise and for every workout it meens an increase from 5 to 25% deppending on the rep range. 

And of course this is not sustainable in the long run. After a few weeks we'll burn out and not be able to do what the app recommends. 

The point is to increase at leat 1% for a long peroid and get stong not just beat the app for a few workouts then stall the progress.