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Quick question- I was supposed to do 5 sets of 6 reps at 26kg today but did not have the function on the cable machine, so instead did 6 sets of 8 reps at 25kg and the app told me that I had decreased my 1RM and to deload.  A quirk of the algorithm? I assume that it only accesses the load and reps from one set (the highest) and calculates from that. 

So any way to override the deload function? 

Hi Carl,

I think I have just answered my own question- the algorithm takes into account all your sets including drop sets for any given exercise.  I know this because I just ran the workout again today after doing lots of additional drop sets last time and the weight and volume jump was huge (from 2 sets at 20kg to 4 sets at 25kg) - knackered.

Glad to be of service.

May I ask how your algorithm is set up. 

For example does it take into account the details of the first X number of sets only or does it average over all completed sets within an exercise?

The reason I ask is for the inclusion of drop-sets, rest pause, partials etc which can be set up by the user manually.

For example if your first two sets are 20kg for 10 reps followed by 10kg for 10 reps and then 5kg for 10 reps I can see that could lead to some interesting  starting weights on subsequent workouts.  I'm not sure dropsets can be used to calculate 1RM with any accuracy.

The easiest way round this would be to inform users that drop sets should not be included until after the prescribed number of sets have been completed that the algorithm will use (for example 3) and then anything after that is at the users discretion and will not be used for calculation purposes. Just a thought.

Might I suggest a new page after you click on "Supersets" which asks how many excercises you would like to superset. Then you chose the excercises and the ap automatically moves between them with optional intervals

Ideally a function where you choose the exercises to superset and it automatically joins the two together would be optimal at the moment it is too easy to enter the details in the wrong exercise or close out the exercise.