Your comments

Before I found Dr. Muscle, I used an app to track a 5x5 program. I had to go to the gym for that so I could do back squats and deadlifts with proper equipment and proper form. It worked up to a point where I just could not add another five pounds to the bar. I also felt like I wanted to work more directly on my biceps, triceps, etc. Now that I've been working from home for almost a year, I prefer the Dr. Muscle workout. I have a Universal weight set (all-in-one, pulley based weight stack up to 160 pounds) and dumbbells adjustable from 10 to 50 pounds. If you incorporated this, I would take the two weeks and go back to the gym so I could lift with barbells. I really hate trying to do deadlifts and squats with dumbbells. My question would be how would I use my current 1RM to estimate what I would lift in the strength phase. I think that's where the algorithm of Dr. Muscle would shine.