
Quick / turbo mode (30 min workout max)

Johen M 5 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 5 years ago 5

What I'm encountering now is more of a time crunch especially when the workout starts to add additional sets. I'm by no means quick so I think I'm nearing an hour before I finished my bodyweight workout (and then add in the shower and changing time). This is starting to get more limiting since I do it during the lunch hour at work or if I have a family. Would it be possible to add a "quick" 30ish min workout plan? Could be just the initial 3 sets of increasing reps and 1 cool down set before moving on. Does what I'm saying make any sense?




Thanks for voting for this feature -- it's done!

Open settings and toggle on quick mode to get 2 work sets for all exercises. That way, your workouts should last max 30 minutes.

If you're on Android, you can update now. If you're on iPhone, you'll have to wait 2-3 days for Apple to approve it. To update:

- Open the store app on your phone
- Search for Dr. Muscle
- Tap update

Now would be a great time to suggest and vote for our next feature. If you'd like to do that, please visit: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1-submit-your-feedback/topics#.

Really appreciate your support and advice. Thanks!

Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle

Agreed. Some days I just don’t have 2 hours. 

I would rather perform an abbreviated workout than none at all!

It's would be nice to be able to ask for the Turbo mode and after, the app is asking me how many sets per exercices i want to do... Voted for !


We've begun working on this feature.


Thanks for voting for this feature -- it's done!

Open settings and toggle on quick mode to get 2 work sets for all exercises. That way, your workouts should last max 30 minutes.

If you're on Android, you can update now. If you're on iPhone, you'll have to wait 2-3 days for Apple to approve it. To update:

- Open the store app on your phone
- Search for Dr. Muscle
- Tap update

Now would be a great time to suggest and vote for our next feature. If you'd like to do that, please visit: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1-submit-your-feedback/topics#.

Really appreciate your support and advice. Thanks!

Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle