
Auto-calculate easy exercise reps from normal exercise

Benjamin Clifford 5 years ago updated by Joseph Williams 4 years ago 4

I'd like for the app to automatically calculate my "Squat (easy)" weights from my "Squat" data. It seems logical to have the data for all Intensity levels of an exercise linked together.



Joseph, you got it! Easy (and medium) exercises start out as a percentage of their hard versions. They then progress on their own. The percentage they start out at is just an estimate -- it's better if they progress on their own based on your performance and feedback the days you do them. The most important thing is to progress on your main (hard) exercises. If you're making progress on those, your program is working.


Thanks for voting for this feature -- it's done! The app now sets up easy and medium exercise automatically for you based on your recent performance on their normal variation.

This is version 1197. If you're on Android, you can update now. If you're on iPhone, you'll have to wait 2-3 days for Apple to approve it. To update:

- Open the store app on your phone
- Search for Dr. Muscle
- Tap update

Now would be a great time to suggest and vote for our next feature. If you'd like to do that, please visit: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1-submit-your-feedback/topics#.

Really appreciate your support and advice. Thanks!

Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle

Does this feature auto-recalculate each time?  I've reached the point in my training with the DrMuscle app where it occasionally throws in easy days to help me continue to progress. The 'easy' exercises seem to have their own progression, adding to the reps and weight-per-rep each time based on what I did the last time that easy exercise came up.

It seems like the easy exercises started out as a percentage of their hard versions but then progressed as any other exercise would. I'm getting concerned that I need to make sure my XYZ(easy) lift progresses at the same rate as XYZ to ensure that it stays in the proper range. 


Joseph, you got it! Easy (and medium) exercises start out as a percentage of their hard versions. They then progress on their own. The percentage they start out at is just an estimate -- it's better if they progress on their own based on your performance and feedback the days you do them. The most important thing is to progress on your main (hard) exercises. If you're making progress on those, your program is working.

Okay, thank you.  I may go request a feature that on the easy exercises, we can see what % of the hard they currently are.  I find myself constantly curious/worried that I'm progressing too fast or too slow with the easy lifts to keep them in the zone where they are helpful.

I appreciate the information; thanks again.