

Gregory Schultz 4 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 2 years ago 4

GROUP: Personal weight is recorded when one signs up for Dr Muscle. Would you like to track this PERSONAL WEIGHT GAIN/LOSS COMPONENT WITHIN THE APP?

RATIONALE: Since one of the goals is weight loss or at least measurable transformation in converting fat to muscle, it would be helpful to have the info tracked and make it part of the history/charting.

INITIAL RESPONSE FROM DR MUSCLE: “It is a great idea! I also thought it would be nice to track the body weight eventually. Would you like to suggest it to the other users and see if they would like us to work on that?”

ACTION REQUESTED: Group: jump on the band wagon and offer your “YES” or “OTHER APP TRACKING SUGGESTIONS”.


Good idea.  To track transformation we would also need to track bodyfat.  My goal right now is to gain weight but obviously I am looking for muscle not fat.

Stephen—Thanks for commenting.  Body fat is a great to track.  However,  unlike weight (on a decent scale), It’s a bit harder to ‘standardize’ the calculation. That said, if a uniform body fat calculator, such as the one found at fitnessunderoath.com could be used, then everyone would be using the same calculator and the calculation will be easy to calculate and report: