
Body weight (scale) measurements and bodyfat % estimator

Patrick McGuinness 6 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 1 month ago 9

weight measurements - there are scales in the gym, might be nice to be able to record that

bodyfat % estimator: ok i'm pushing the boat out here, but as with recording weight measurements you could have similar entries for caliper measurements, then your AI can do the donkey work of calculating bodyfat %. It doesn't matter so much that the calculation can be inaccurate as it is the progression that lets you know how you are progressing, and people judge their final destination not by a number but by how they look in the mirror.



Thanks for voting for this feature -- it's in beta! We've already implemented body weight tracking and coaching (with goals, calories, and macros). A few of you also requested we add bodyfat % tracking and estimates. If that's still a priority for you, please vote for that feature here: https://muscle.userecho.com/en/communities/1/topics/431-track-and-estimate-bodyfat

If you're in the beta:
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– Open the store app on your phone
– Search for Dr. Muscle
– Tap update

Not in the beta? Click here to join: https://dr-muscle.com/beta-program/. Otherwise, you'll get a notification inside the app in 7-10 days when the public version comes out.

Now would be a great time to suggest and vote for our next feature. If you'd like to do that, please visit: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1-submit-your-feedback/topics#.

We've released 47 updates in 2020 (one a week or so). For the full list, see https://dr-muscle.com/timeline/.

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Really appreciate your support and advice. Thanks!

Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle


I'd like to see goal setting and tracking based on short and long term goals. Perhaps guidance on average strength for age, sex, weight, BMI, etc.


Would give it 10/10 If the app also tracked my statistics, such as weight, body fat etc... I have all my lifting info in the app and my personal info written in a notebook.


Is there a place to track weight (and even body fat percentages) in the app? That would be a key feature I'd be interested in, if not already present.

it would be great to have a place to record body measurements, weight, body fat, etc and be reminded once a week(or as desire, to update them.  If some could be captured automatically from connected devices that would be great too.  A TOTAL picture of progress to be shown in a dashboard!

Under review

Thanks for voting for this feature -- an early version is in beta! You'll find a new chart for your body weight by tapping More, and then Charts inside the app. For now, it only tracks your body weight (no body fat yet). To update it, tap your body weight on your home page.

We plan on improve that new feature by adding:

- Ability to track your body fat

- Ability to see your charts on your home page

- Reminders to log your stats

- And more!

While we work on this feature for you, is there anything else you'd like to see added?

If you're in the beta:
On Android, you can already download the update. On iPhone? You'll have to wait 2-3 days for Apple to approve it. To update:
– Open the store app on your phone
– Search for Dr. Muscle
– Tap update

Not in the beta? Click here to join: https://dr-muscle.com/beta-program/. Otherwise, you'll get a notification inside the app in 7-10 days when the public version comes out.

Love Dr. Muscle? Upgrade to annual to get 4 months free. Training with a partner? Add them to your account for 50% off. Need help with your diet? Check out the Learn tab (bottom bar) or our new diet coach app at https://www.eve.fit/.

Really appreciate your support and advice. Thanks!

Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle


Thanks for voting for this feature -- it's in beta! We've already implemented body weight tracking and coaching (with goals, calories, and macros). A few of you also requested we add bodyfat % tracking and estimates. If that's still a priority for you, please vote for that feature here: https://muscle.userecho.com/en/communities/1/topics/431-track-and-estimate-bodyfat

If you're in the beta:
On Android, you can already download the update. On iPhone? You'll have to wait 2-3 days for Apple to approve it. To update:
– Open the store app on your phone
– Search for Dr. Muscle
– Tap update

Not in the beta? Click here to join: https://dr-muscle.com/beta-program/. Otherwise, you'll get a notification inside the app in 7-10 days when the public version comes out.

Now would be a great time to suggest and vote for our next feature. If you'd like to do that, please visit: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1-submit-your-feedback/topics#.

We've released 47 updates in 2020 (one a week or so). For the full list, see https://dr-muscle.com/timeline/.

Love Dr. Muscle? Upgrade to annual to get 4 months free. Training with a partner? Add them to your account for 50% off. Need help with your diet? Check out the Learn tab (bottom bar) or our new diet coach app at https://www.eve.fit/.

Really appreciate your support and advice. Thanks!

Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle

Hi, I don’t know if this is the right place to place my suggestion: it’s related to body weight measurement and consequent hints given by the app.

These hints at the moment are quite wrong and erratic. Why? The app can’t tell when new values of body weight are written by user itself or some weight apps. The problem is that analyses are being performed only with daily progresses. That means, for instance, that if I don’t weigh myself the app see that your weight didn’t change and advise to eat more. If you do weight yourself the app only takes into consideration the difference with the day before and don’t analyze the trend like it should be (weekly or monthly). 
Anyone knows that if you weigh yourself every day, numbers can vary, but it’s silly to jump at any conclusions if you don’t see a bigger picture. 

To better explain: here there are my weekends stats (I only weight myself during the weekends because during the week I’m out of home):

Saturday morning: 67.04 (a week ago 66.44). The app: you’re gaining weight too fast, probably you’re gaining fat.

Sunday morning: 66.86. The app: you’ve lost x weight, you have to eat more

Monday morning: 66.72. The app: you’re losing weight eat more.

Actually I’m in bulk phase and my weight is going up, lately with an increase in body fat %.

I’m a bit worried about it, but I see that weight fluctuations are not linear, obviously.

it would be interesting to have these data analyzed by AI, but comments have to be based on trends, and not only on the day before…

Dear Nick,

Thanks for sharing your feedback regarding body weight measurement and the hints provided by the app. Your concerns about the app's analysis based solely on daily progress are valid, especially when weight fluctuations can occur regularly.

Good news: we're working on implementing weight trends as we speak. You should see them go live in 2-3 weeks. Right after that, we'll make sure all of the app's coaching is based on trends and not daily values. You can vote on this open suggestion to keep track of our progress:


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

Best regards,
