
Any corrective exercise options like NASM OPT model?

Chris Kostoff 4 years ago updated by fervent_passeur_05 7 months ago 4

Hi Chris. Can you tell us a bit more about about those, and what you're trying to accomplish with them?

Yes!  Injury prevention. Let’s face it mobility and corrective exercise seem to be the buzz words these days. You can just train heavier year after year without getting muscle imbalances. You see so many men and women these days who get shoulder surgeries after years of doing bench pressing and no shoulder stabilization work.

Also it nice being able to throw down some light cardio and yoga at times. I need to be agile one of my jobs due to the fast pace of the environment and the intensity of it. Yoga helps a ton with that.

Thanks for clarifying Chris. With that, I think more people will vote for this feature request. In the meantime, as a workaround, you can create any number of custom exercises in your account this way:

Tap Exercise (bottom bar)

Tap the big plus button

You can then add them on the fly to any workout by tapping Edit workout (top left).

It would be nice if the AI could detect imbalances automatically and adjust the workout the correct them. Also, it should detect upper to lower body imbalances and for example not suggest lower body exercices with dumbbells that are way outside the weight your upper torso is used to working with.