Under review

Upgrading EASY/MEDIUM/NORMAL exercises

Seppe Hoobergs 3 years ago updated by Tony T 2 years ago 14

I would like to make the suggestion to delete the easy/medium exercise we got and simply replace it by clicking on any exercise-> settings->difficulty level--> easy/ medium/normal.

offcourse this means easy and medium level exercises should be based of normal level exercise percentage.

for instance 

easy: 5/6 rir

medium: 3/4 rir 

normal: very hard/ 1/rir

now we dont have to make exercises in difficulty levels which doesn't work based on the normal level exercise

This also let you take it easier on a exercise if you're just not feeling it for that day without losing progress the next weeks, which happens when you deload, 

because you need to work back those -10% back up the next 2/3 workouts.

so if you can go to the -> exercise-> setting->difficulty level.

wheter it's in the workout itself or the exercise list this would be a hughe improvement.

and a great value for custom programs.


Under review

Guys, good news!

We just implemented this feature for custom exercises. Seppe, that's via the path you suggested:

Next to any custom exercise, tap More

Tap Settings

Select your preference under Exercise difficulty

Does this work for what you are trying to accomplish?

what i forgot to mention is that the easy or medium level exercise should not interfere with normal exercise progressing, normal will build on normal.

lets say 

week 1: normal level 5x100kg

week 2: level easy equivalent of 5x75kg or a 25%reduction of 5x100kg (medium level would be a 12.5% decrease or the equivalent of 3-4rep rir)

week 3: level normal 

repxset equivalent of 5x101kg


Hello Seppe,

We implement suggestions with the most votes first. As you can see, your suggestion is currently ranked 6th:

You can review the top suggestions anytime using the options at the top of the site.

I can also confirm we're keeping an eye on your suggestion, and I'm afraid posting GIFs doesn't speed anything up. However, when you post here, all users of the feedback site get an email update. So, I'd ask that you refrain from posting GIFs in the future.

Thanks for your support over the years, I really appreciate it.



I see that this suggestion is finally on the top of the list.....keeping my 🤞 we see some development on it.

yeah me too man, me too.

Under review

Guys, good news!

We just implemented this feature for custom exercises. Seppe, that's via the path you suggested:

Next to any custom exercise, tap More

Tap Settings

Select your preference under Exercise difficulty

Does this work for what you are trying to accomplish?



if i had to be honest i did dream for it to be possible with every exercise! Just not "only" custom but i'm happy with how it's implemented easy to use and find and easy to switch through different levels. The only negative is we can't use it with every exercise. I think a lot of people wanted this feature so they could deload a full week and hit it back hard te next week.


I agree with Seppe in that I envisioned it would work with any exercise. I also envisioned that with the easy/medium workouts the weights and reps for each exercise would be adjusted based on the "hard" version of the exercises.

My wife is a great example of why I think this would be better. She had been doing the level 7 workout for a while ago. But after working through the full course of level 7 (several weeks) she decided to go back to level 6. She's continued on level 6 for the last year or so and has gotten much stronger. Recently she decided to go back to level 7. The problem there is that with her strength gains the "medium" exercises in level 7 were all now easier (a lot less weight) than the "easy" level ones because the "easy" ones progressed while she was on level 6. The "medium" ones however were all stuck based on where she was a year ago, when she last did them on level 7, and didn't take into consideration the gains she had made in the last year.


good point Tony, offcourse i agree with your comment, i believe that the easy-medium-normal based levels would also be benificial in the workouts already in the app and not only the custom workouts or exercises.

Under review

Hey guys!

Thanks for taking the time to explain. Well noted. In the future, we can make it work for every exercise.

Tony, thanks for sharing that case study. When you do them the first time, easy/medium exercises are set up based on the normal ones. But over time, they can deviate. Especially in cases like the one you shared. If I got it right, you're asking for them to be adjusted continuously. This is definitely something we can do, and I can see Seppe has already created a feature request for that one here: https://muscle.userecho.com/en/communities/1/topics/372-easy-medium-exercises-make-them-based-of-the-normal-variant.

Until it gets more votes, your wife can adjust those in 1 workout using our challenge feature. Here's how:

Tap More next to any exercises that's too easy

Tap Challenge

The app will adjust in 1 workout.

Big thanks for your both for your suggestions and support.

All the best,


Carl the request you speak off is thee same request as this one, Both requests are one and the same same goal same purpose.

Hey Seppe,

I get your point. But for clarify, I'm going to ask our customers who still want that part of the feature prioritized to vote for it at https://muscle.userecho.com/en/communities/1/topics/372-easy-medium-exercises-make-them-based-of-the-normal-variant.

You also wrote:

"it took 12 months to get 17 likes and in less then 24hr there are suddenly 14 dislikes from 0, something smells fishy."

We added the 14 dislikes after reviewing our voting system. It seems like this feature request had gotten a number of anonymous vote that were potentially fake. To be fair, you'll notice we also added dislikes to other requests who had anonymous votes. Moving forward, all voters will need to be logged in. As always, we implement request with the most votes first, and only customers get to vote.

I can understand that may come as bad news to you. It looks like you really look forward to us implementing this feature. But adjusting the votes was necessary to ensure a fair experience to all customers. I hope you'll understand and forgive us. The system should work smoothly and fairly moving forward.

All the best,


yeah, i really disliked the deloads we have in the app it doesn't work for me and some others don't prefer it either. So yeah i was happy to Read finally after a year a good fix was gonna be possible Just to be met halfway. I'm fuming atm.


Just getting caught up here. What a bad surprise. This really blows. Just makes me wonder how many other 'enhancements' have been implemented based on 'anonymous votes'. In my mind we're not asking for a feature request. We're asking for a fix of something that doesn't work right. I love your program. So much so that I've continued to support it for well over a year without using it due to an injury. I have a membership for my wife as well. I know Seppe's been a long time supporter too. Seeing where this has gone is very disappointing.