
Tell the app what equipment you have available

Ken Cobb 6 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 5 years ago 4

Is there a way to tell the app what equipment you have available?  I work out at home but i have a cable attachment and landmine attachment on my rack.



We've begun working on a similar feature. Please vote here for your equipment at home: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/175-select-your-available-equipment-at-home

I'm marking this one as completed to remove the duplicate.

I think your best bet is to "swap" the exercise in the App.  It would be really tough to give the app all of your exercises and have it auto build you a plan as there are so many variations and different names for the same exercises.

But you can definitely swap out exercises in the app to optimize it for the equipment you have.


While it is more complicated, I’d imaging an actual personal trainer would ask me what equipment I have and then make his prescription from a much shorter list, a subset compatible with the user’s equipment.


We've begun working on a similar feature. Please vote here for your equipment at home: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/175-select-your-available-equipment-at-home

I'm marking this one as completed to remove the duplicate.