Under review


Jessica 6 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 6 years ago 1

Can you allow the option for the user to type in their preferred tool, ie kettlebells or sandbag? It may not fit into the predefined programs you already created with the typical lifts you prescribe, but it would be nice to have a section to "customize" your own program with the tools you want or have access to most readily.


Under review

Hi Jessica!

Thanks for taking the time to write.

You can already create custom exercises and programs inside the app. So, for example, you could create a kettlebell swing.

When you do that, the app will try to adjust your weight up or down to match your reps and progression. If you don't have a full rack of kettlebells, that might be a problem.

If you'd like to restrict the app's recommended weights to only what you have, please vote for this feature: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/67-weight-control-for-available-dumbbells-and-plate-sizes.


Under review

Hi Jessica!

Thanks for taking the time to write.

You can already create custom exercises and programs inside the app. So, for example, you could create a kettlebell swing.

When you do that, the app will try to adjust your weight up or down to match your reps and progression. If you don't have a full rack of kettlebells, that might be a problem.

If you'd like to restrict the app's recommended weights to only what you have, please vote for this feature: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/67-weight-control-for-available-dumbbells-and-plate-sizes.
