Your comments

hi, it's true! the bugs is more difficult to reproduce but I was still able to do again if I do it severall times...

no notification, the app just close, so I have to re-open, re-select the workout and select the exercise
once in a while it can take around 10-15 secondes

regards ;-)


I mean when you do a Triset or more with a circuit, you take 2 or 3 min to do it so you have to start almost immediately and have to be fast

yes you have a good point!

but Trisets or more is time consuming too...we don't really have time to manip the app especially with 4-5 exercises...

but with time I'll adopt it you know! ;-)

Android rignt. when I open an exercise or when I finished the exercice. I hit finish and then if this is too long I push power while the Loading appear and then the app crash when I open the screen and unlock it...

but of course, I close the screen only when the loading is taking too much time but this is once in a while...the app is working great else way!