Your comments

I can imagine each exercise consisting of one page of a list of sets with the first one highlighted and enlarged. Oh, an image reminder illustrating the exercise in the background and it's name at the top.

Each line will show weight / reps / rest time. Don't number the lines.

Maybe in highlighting and enlarging the current line don't do it to the timer. Highlight and enlarge it while it's running.

When the user completes the first sets he taps the screen anywhere to start the rest timer and the emphasis moves down to the the second line.

Manage the list so that lines above and below the enlarged line do not jump around.

After completing the last set, the anywhere tap displays the exercise summary. One more anywhere tap displays the exercise list with the completed exercise(s) greyed out.


Is there any compelling reason the summary line for each exercise and the detail lines have Reps and Load in opposite order?

Being new to this weight stuff, I don't understand the significance to me of the summary information, however summaries tend to be more important than the details, yet you've made the summaries smaller than the details. Usually the important stuff is larger to draw attention to itself and be easy to read.

If the summary info is actually important, shouldn't all of them be available together without having to wade through all the details? The benefit of summaries is generally to save wading through all the details.

You might consider starting with a list of summaries each of which could be tapped to expand it to the underlying details.

When looking at the button (heading?) at the bottom that reads "Average of all exercises" I expect there would be some actual averages, but there are none, only details and sums.

While looking at the log, I took the Settings option to switch from metric to pounds. When I returned to the log, it was still metric. The weight system ought to be applied when it's specified.

When I tap a line other than over the right-hand buttons. the line highlights. I found no use for the highlighting. If there isn't one, the line should not highlight.

Also, the highlighting never goes away. It can jump to another line, but never returns to normal.

BTW, what does 1RM represent. Am I the only one who hasn't figured it out? If not, maybe 1RM is a poor choice to title data.


Is there a compelling reason the menu says Logs and Charts, but the subsequent heading buttons say Charts and Logs.

The opening sentence saying I have finished st least three sessions of the following exercises sounds like the app has lost track of the number.

It's clear that the app is fixated on a 3-.point graph and the above sort of apologizes for that. Wouldn't it be clearer to show one or two points for those who have completed only one or two? The title could be Recent Exercises and forget about the apology.

On the three point graph fixation... right from the beginning the app shows new users a 3-point graph. That makes no sense. It confuses folks who are likely to be confused anyway.

Back to charts. Putting the list of exercises in paragraph form is the worst way to present a list. Make it a scrollable list.

The same is true of the last two sentences. These data are clearly represented in tabular form. Putting them in sentences , particularly sentences I have to scroll to see, makes the page less useful.

It seems to me s basic in design is missing. When setting up a page, ask yourself what is the most important message. That should be the easiest to see. My guess, for the numbers , is the change... the numbers I have scroll to see.

The list of exercises is probably one of the least important pieces of information. Maybe of so little be should be dropped.

The app seems to take great pains to give users freedom to manipulate the session, to make it more complex, but it doesn't help the user who wants it simpler. 

How about adding a "simplify" switch, a setting that makes the day's routine simpler?  Just the basic function displays with one button to move to the next display, and on every display that button is large and in the same place.  Users shouldn't have to hunt around and shouldn't have to learn the peculiarities of the app.

Maybe this sequence:

Exercise list
Rep list
Next exercise's rep list
Session summary. 


I noticed the two white-background windows that display the reps and weight show me what to do except for the last set.  After saving the set, those windows still display what I had just completed.  Yes, I see the completion message above, but consistency is an important human factors consideration.  Those windows should change their appearance at the end: blank them, gray them, display an “end” message... something like that.


While it is more complicated, I’d imaging an actual personal trainer would ask me what equipment I have and then make his prescription from a much shorter list, a subset compatible with the user’s equipment.