Your comments

yeah, i really disliked the deloads we have in the app it doesn't work for me and some others don't prefer it either. So yeah i was happy to Read finally after a year a good fix was gonna be possible Just to be met halfway. I'm fuming atm.

Carl the request you speak off is thee same request as this one, Both requests are one and the same same goal same purpose.

good point Tony, offcourse i agree with your comment, i believe that the easy-medium-normal based levels would also be benificial in the workouts already in the app and not only the custom workouts or exercises.


if i had to be honest i did dream for it to be possible with every exercise! Just not "only" custom but i'm happy with how it's implemented easy to use and find and easy to switch through different levels. The only negative is we can't use it with every exercise. I think a lot of people wanted this feature so they could deload a full week and hit it back hard te next week.

only hitting one muslce group per day isn't optimal, studies show we need to hit a muscle 2 or 3 times a day, that's whay the app has

full body



As workouts, if hypertrophy is your main concern you should prefer these type of workouts

what i forgot to mention is that the easy or medium level exercise should not interfere with normal exercise progressing, normal will build on normal.

lets say 

week 1: normal level 5x100kg

week 2: level easy equivalent of 5x75kg or a 25%reduction of 5x100kg (medium level would be a 12.5% decrease or the equivalent of 3-4rep rir)

week 3: level normal 

repxset equivalent of 5x101kg

would love to see bfr training implemented 🙂

great suggestion especially for the big three movements to split them up through the week varying easy-medium-hard in the same workout and switching every workout