Your comments

Dr. Muscle should instead integrate with Apple Health, Google Fit, Strava… and pull the info from there.

Personnaly, I would prefer that Dr. Muscle instead integrated with other workout aggregators such as Apple Health, Google Fit, Strava… and instead pulled other workout info from there. Based on other workout you did, and their intensity, it could adjust it’s recommendations and possibly deload your next workout.

It would be nice if the AI could detect imbalances automatically and adjust the workout the correct them. Also, it should detect upper to lower body imbalances and for example not suggest lower body exercices with dumbbells that are way outside the weight your upper torso is used to working with.

Agree that we need textual descriptions of proper form for each exercice. Videos are great, but there is often a lot more to proper form than what you can see in a video.

What I would like to see is first the ability to define, in the equipment section, which bands I have in terms of resistance (kg/lbs). I would also like the program to track weight/resistance for each exercice, and tell me which bands or combinations of bands to use for each exercice, and for the AI to track and adjust repetitions and weight based on progress, just as it does for other types of workouts. I would also like it to support warm up sets and back-off sets like it does for non-band exercices. Thanks so much for adding these feature to your already great app!

The best would be to extend the plate selection feature so that the app tells you which band or combination of bands to use.