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Hi, I don’t know if this is the right place to place my suggestion: it’s related to body weight measurement and consequent hints given by the app.

These hints at the moment are quite wrong and erratic. Why? The app can’t tell when new values of body weight are written by user itself or some weight apps. The problem is that analyses are being performed only with daily progresses. That means, for instance, that if I don’t weigh myself the app see that your weight didn’t change and advise to eat more. If you do weight yourself the app only takes into consideration the difference with the day before and don’t analyze the trend like it should be (weekly or monthly). 
Anyone knows that if you weigh yourself every day, numbers can vary, but it’s silly to jump at any conclusions if you don’t see a bigger picture. 

To better explain: here there are my weekends stats (I only weight myself during the weekends because during the week I’m out of home):

Saturday morning: 67.04 (a week ago 66.44). The app: you’re gaining weight too fast, probably you’re gaining fat.

Sunday morning: 66.86. The app: you’ve lost x weight, you have to eat more

Monday morning: 66.72. The app: you’re losing weight eat more.

Actually I’m in bulk phase and my weight is going up, lately with an increase in body fat %.

I’m a bit worried about it, but I see that weight fluctuations are not linear, obviously.

it would be interesting to have these data analyzed by AI, but comments have to be based on trends, and not only on the day before…

I’m in a 4 days program: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Yet every time I start my workout on Tuesday and Friday the app tells me that I’m not enough rested. I know the advice for a 3 workout per week, but having settled that I’m working out 4 days a week, I find it boring to receive this reminder

I agree.  Adding a post workout routine would be wonderful