Your comments

I see myself using it very much like the Cardio exercise section of the app (so it's categorized) but can be added individually.  I don't see myself doing some stretching or dynamic warm ups prior to exercise (but you could add each mobility drill before any actual exercises to accomplish that)

Or you can pick each mobility exercise individually (across the shoulder stretch)

I'm primary interested in adding my own or using a canned routine to just get mobility into my life.

Cardio was a great addition.  Stretching or Mobility could be a category with exercises to pick from based on reps or time based.  I keep looking at this M-F Bullet Proof Your Shoulder exercises and wish I could add then to Dr Muscle for tracking purposes.  

Hmm... I didn't realize that!  I've occasionally done a couple of a sets for a swapped exercise, then the area I want opens so I "restore" and go do the original.  Didn't know I would lose those couple of sets.  Good catch.

LOL.. I just did this in the gym today.  Added the exercise and realized there was no way to say this is by TIME and not how many reps can you do.  

I'd love to add a timed exercise and have the timer pop when you say Begin set.

I've seen workouts that I start and it's already got a green checkmark next to it.  But it's an entirely different week.

If you start the Bench Press.. and navigate away.  When you get back to the home page.  You start that workout and you want to finish the bench press but it gives you new numbers.  It never finished the that exercise per se but it's ready to give you new numbers.

I'd still like the ability to add an exercise on the fly.  After the bench press.. instead of Superset.. .I could just say Add Exercise.. and it would pop in Dumbell Flyes or whatever I pick.  After that exercise is done.  It takes me to the new in the structured workout.

I thought that would work but as I've seen in the past...  there's no indication of where you left off.  If you select an exercise you just did thinking I'll finishing up that set, it essentially gives you a new workout for that exercise with higher weight and such.  

Maybe it would work if you knew where you left off and just moved to the next exercise.  But it doesn't know what you did before.

However, it's reflected in the logs so essentially there is a record.

Anybody else not seeing a Back button?  I might be the only person using the iPhone SE but when I am in the app, I absolutely positively do not see any back button.  I wish there was because if I enter something wrong or some how get myself to the Home screen, it's like that current workout is lost to me.  I can re-select it but the workout in progress is gone.

I wish the app would look at how long it's been since my last workout and allow me to choose a deload session.  In essence, maybe not a Cortana type AI but just a "Hey, how are you feeling today?"  And then depending on my answer, adjust as necessary?

exactly! I submitted a top level idea. This is precisely what I wanted to do yesterday. 

I suppose if every exercise included a tag (bodypart) then when you swap for Lat Pulldown (tag of back) it could show any other exercise tagged as back by default.  Makes sense.  Would save a bit of time when the bench press is occupied and I still want to do a chest exercise.