
Pyramid sets: Decreasing reps

Ben Besner 4 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 2 years ago 2


I love the new feature pyramid increasing reps

but I will be very happy if we can have pyramid decresing style
like 15-12-12-8-6 reps

And also another idea should be a Mass phase include workout where you can select a certain group of muscle per day

many thx!


Carl Juneau, PhD 2 years ago

Thanks for voting for this feature -- it's in beta! From the announcement:

Pyramid sets are coming! This is one of our top requested features, so I’m thrilled to bring it to you. You can now choose from Pyramid or Reverse pyramid sets in your global and exercise-level settings. This was challenging to sync with custom reps, increments, and other settings. So, some tweaking may be needed for users with unusual setups. If you notice something odd when you try pyramid sets for the first time, please let us know. We should fix it by next week!

If you're in the beta:
On Android, you can already download the update. On iPhone? You'll have to wait 2-3 days for Apple to approve it. To update:
– Open the store app on your phone
– Search for Dr. Muscle
– Tap update

Not in the beta? Click here to join: https://dr-muscle.com/beta-program/. Otherwise, you'll get a notification inside the app in 7-10 days when the public version comes out.

Now would be a great time to suggest and vote for our next feature. If you'd like to do that, please visit: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1-submit-your-feedback/topics#.

We've released 47 updates in 2020 (one a week or so). For the full list, see https://dr-muscle.com/timeline/.

Love Dr. Muscle? Upgrade to annual to get 4 months free. Training with a partner? Add them to your account for 50% off. Need help with your diet? Check out the Learn tab (bottom bar) or our new diet coach app at https://www.eve.fit/.

Really appreciate your support and advice. Thanks!

Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle


Select your available equipment at home

Barrett Roberts 5 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 4 years ago 17

Would be very nice to be able to tell the app what equipment you have and let it recommend a workout based on the most effective exercises you can do with your equipment.  

Carl Juneau, PhD 4 years ago

Thanks for voting for this feature -- it's done! In Settings, you can now toggle off dumbbells to swap out all dumbbell exercises from your workouts automatically.

If you're in the beta:

On Android, you can already download the update. On iPhone? You'll have to wait 2-3 days for Apple to approve it. To update:

- Open the store app on your phone
- Search for Dr. Muscle
- Tap update

Not in the beta? Write back if you'd like to get in. Otherwise, you'll see a notification to update inside the app in 7-10 days when the public version comes out.

Now would be a great time to suggest and vote for our next feature. If you'd like to do that, please visit: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1-submit-your-feedback/topics#.

Really appreciate your support and advice. Thanks!

Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle


Add Cario excercises that could be manuaaly added or imported from other sources

Stephen Cohen 5 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 3 months ago 3

I would like to be able to include my cardio warmups as well as various cardio exercises (running, treadmill, bicycle, swim, etc...) with type, duration, measure, time, heart rate, and calories

Carl Juneau, PhD 3 months ago

Thanks for voting for this feature—it's in beta! From the announcement:

Better cardio exercises are coming! Cardio is one of our top requested features, so I’m pumped to bring it to you. With this update coming up in beta, you can enter, track, and adjust your speed for cardio exercises. Other recent updates to cardio include timers in mm:ss, support for a single "set" of cardio, and more. Want more improvements to cardio exercises? Let us know!

If you're in the beta:
On Android, you can already download the update. On iPhone? You'll have to wait 7-10 days for Apple to release it. To update:
– Open the store app on your phone
– Search for Dr. Muscle
– Tap update

Not in the beta? Click here to join: https://dr-muscle.com/beta-program/. Otherwise, you'll get a notification inside the app in 7-10 days when the public version comes out.

Now would be a good time to suggest and vote for our next feature. Please visit https://muscle.userecho.com/.

We've released 53 updates in 2023. For the full list, see https://dr-muscle.com/timeline/.

Love Dr. Muscle? Upgrade to annual to get 4 months free. Training with a partner? Add them to your account for 50% off. Need help with your diet? Dr. Muscle now includes meal plans! Tap Get meal plan on your home page to get started.

Wanna do us a huge favor? Leave us a review on the app store. It's one of the main ways new people learn about us. It will take less than 2 minutes, and it would really help out!

Really appreciate your support and suggestions to improve the app. Thanks!

Dr. Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle


Maximum weight available

Howie 5 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 5 years ago 7

Along the same lines is there a way to implement a maximum weight a person may have available to them ie sixty pound dumbbell and if the next graduated increment is 62.5 lbs the app can substitute some other increased effort ie extra set or rep etc

Carl Juneau, PhD 5 years ago

Thanks for voting for this feature -- it's done!

You can now set a max weight for every exercise. Tap "..." next to an exercise to customize it. If you're on Android, you can update right away. If you're on Apple, you'll need to wait 2-3 more days (it's under final review). To update:

- Open the store app on your phone

- Search "Dr. Muscle"

- Tap "Update"

Now would be a great time to suggest and vote for our next feature. If you'd like to do that, please visit: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1-submit-your-feedback/topics#.

Really appreciate your support and advice. Thanks!

Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle


Switch from rest-pause to normal sets

Heiko Widemann 6 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 5 years ago 10

I would appreciate if there is a switch between “normal” and rest-pause. Because I prefer deadlifts with classic sets and reps. Is it possible that you can implement this option? So for example when I click on a exercise I can also switch to “normal”.

Carl Juneau, PhD 6 years ago

We've just released normal sets! Normal sets:

- Are better for strength development
- Can be safer for multi-joint lifts (especially if you carry them to failure)
- Downside: they take more time

The update is already available on Android and under review by Apple (give it 2-3 days). To update, visit the app store app on your phone, search for Dr. Muscle, and tap "update".

If you get a "Connection error" message after you update, please log out and log back in. That should solve it.

By the way, I hate to say it, but we're aware of small bug with the timer's "automatch reps" feature (only for normal sets). Because of the bug, it won't time 2 to 3 minutes even when the app recommends that. To get around the bug, toggle "automatch reps" off and set the timer manually to 2-3 minutes. We're working on that bug, and it will be fixed soon.

Thank you for patience and support as we improve the app, and for voting for this feature. if you can spare the time, now would be a good time to vote for our next feature. You can do so here: https://muscle.userecho.com/communities/1-submit-your-feedback/topics#.




Track and estimate bodyfat %

Carl Juneau, PhD 2 years ago updated 2 weeks ago 1

We've already implemented body weight tracking and coaching (with goals, calories, and macros). That was a top feature request.

A few of you also requested we add bodyfat % tracking and estimates. If that's still a priority for you, please vote for that feature here. I'll include some of the comments below.


bodyfat % estimator: ok i'm pushing the boat out here, but as with recording weight measurements you could have similar entries for caliper measurements, then your AI can do the donkey work of calculating bodyfat %. It doesn't matter so much that the calculation can be inaccurate as it is the progression that lets you know how you are progressing, and people judge their final destination not by a number but by how they look in the mirror. -Patrick M.

it would be great to have a place to record body measurements, weight, body fat, etc and be reminded once a week(or as desire, to update them. If some could be captured automatically from connected devices that would be great too. A TOTAL picture of progress to be shown in a dashboard! -Greg C.

Carl Juneau, PhD 2 weeks ago

Thanks for voting for this feature—it's live! From the announcement:

You can now track your body fat as well as body weight trend. In many ways, this is superior to tracking just scale weight, which can be misleading due to daily fluctuations. Learn more:


To access the brand new body weight progress page, just tap "Progress" in the bottom navigation bar. Expect more improvements soon, like tracking trends in body fat and fat-free mass, and better charts.

This release improves on our new AI Meal Planner feature, which creates meals that adjusts to your progress in the gym and on the scale—automatically. Learn more:



Now would be a good time to suggest and vote for our next feature. Please visit https://muscle.userecho.com/.

We've released 53 updates in 2023. For the full list, see https://dr-muscle.com/timeline/.

Love Dr. Muscle? Upgrade to annual to get 4 months free. Training with a partner? Add them to your account for 50% off. Need help with your diet? Dr. Muscle now includes meal plans! Tap Get meal plan on your home page to get started.

Wanna do us a huge favor? Leave us a review on the app store. It's one of the main ways new people learn about us. It will take less than 2 minutes, and it would really help out!

Really appreciate your support and suggestions to improve the app. Thanks!

Dr. Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle


Bands Colour Options

Kevin Gale 3 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 5 months ago 6

With the option to select ‘Bands’, can the AI system classify the ‘Colours’ and add/select the colours.

To the best of my knowledge.  Commonly used colours which represent from high-low resistance: Green, Purple, Yellow, Red.

Carl Juneau, PhD 5 months ago

Thanks for voting for this feature -- it's in beta! From the announcement:

This is one of our top requested features, so I’m thrilled to bring it to you. You can now customize your bands under Settings > Change equipment. Set your colors and tension, and the app will increase your weights automatically for band exercises! This update also includes 3 new programs (legs, abs, glutes focus) and a number of bug fixes and improvements.

As many of you requested, we'll show custom bands by color during workouts (instead of tension) in our next update. We welcome your comments on this early release until then at support@drmuscleapp.com.

If you're in the beta:
On Android, you can already download the update. On iPhone? You'll have to wait 7-10 days for Apple to release it. To update:
– Open the store app on your phone
– Search for Dr. Muscle
– Tap update

Not in the beta? Click here to join: https://dr-muscle.com/beta-program/. Otherwise, you'll get a notification inside the app in 7-10 days when the public version comes out.

Now would be a good time to suggest and vote for our next feature. Please visit https://muscle.userecho.com/.

We've released 46 updates in 2021 (one a week or so). For the full list, see https://dr-muscle.com/timeline/.

Love Dr. Muscle? Upgrade to annual to get 4 months free. Training with a partner? Add them to your account for 50% off. Need help with your diet? Dr. Muscle now includes meal plans! Tap Get meal plan on your home page to get started.

Wanna do us a huge favor? Leave us a review on the app store. It's one of the main ways new people learn about us. It will take less than 2 minutes, and it would really help out!

Really appreciate your support and suggestions to improve the app. Thanks!

Dr. Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle


Alternating arm option for bilateral exercises (left/right side)

Chris Kostoff 3 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 10 months ago 4

Would love an alternating arm option for bilateral exercises. For example, if I do concentration curls, I'd like to do a set and go from right arm then left arm right away.

Carl Juneau, PhD 10 months ago

Good news! We've implemented this for all exercises. To change, do this:

Tap Settings (bottom bar)
Scroll down to Train left/right sides separately?

You can also customise this behaviour at the exercise level (for custom exercises only). Default exercises follow the global setting.

Thanks for voting for this feature. Now would be a good time to suggest and vote for our next feature. Please visit https://muscle.userecho.com/.

We've released 46 updates in 2021 (one a week or so). For the full list, see https://dr-muscle.com/timeline/.

Love Dr. Muscle? Upgrade to annual to get 4 months free. Training with a partner? Add them to your account for 50% off. Need help with your diet? Dr. Muscle now includes meal plans! Tap Get meal plan on your home page to get started.

Wanna do us a huge favor? Leave us a review on the app store. It's one of the main ways new people learn about us. It will take less than 2 minutes, and it would really help out!

Really appreciate your support and suggestions to improve the app. Thanks!

Dr. Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle


Auto-calculate easy exercise reps from normal exercise

Benjamin Clifford 5 years ago updated by Joseph Williams 4 years ago 4

I'd like for the app to automatically calculate my "Squat (easy)" weights from my "Squat" data. It seems logical to have the data for all Intensity levels of an exercise linked together.

Carl Juneau, PhD 4 years ago

Joseph, you got it! Easy (and medium) exercises start out as a percentage of their hard versions. They then progress on their own. The percentage they start out at is just an estimate -- it's better if they progress on their own based on your performance and feedback the days you do them. The most important thing is to progress on your main (hard) exercises. If you're making progress on those, your program is working.


Injured! Now what?

Marc David 5 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 11 months ago 8

What if you get injured or quit after a set because of a strain? Should there be a rehab option that is in essence multiple deloads?

I got a tweak while on my 1st set of smashing a new record deadlifts. 

Bummer!  But there is no way I'm going to deload for 1 week and hit it again.  I'd like some way instead of how many reps.. to say "Injury" or something.

The the app knows.. okay.. he/she said on Set 2 there's an injury.

Therefore, I'll skip this exercise for X weeks.. and then I came back.. I'll do 4 weeks of a 50% effort....
Carl Juneau, PhD 11 months ago

Thanks for voting for this feature -- it's in beta! From the announcement:

Injury rehab mode is coming! It’s one of our top requested features, so I’m pumped to bring it to you. With this version coming up in beta, you’ll be able to tap More and Injury rehab next to any exercise. The app will then walk you though the steps required to recalibrate that exercise, or swap it if it's too painful. As with all things injury, we highly recommend medical supervision. Learn more at https://dr-muscle.com/bodybuilding-injuries/.

This update also includes a new and improved exercise menu that lets you view your history for any given exercise quickly and instructions to superset exercises.

If you're in the beta:
On Android, you can already download the update. On iPhone? You'll have to wait 7-10 days for Apple to release it. To update:
– Open the store app on your phone
– Search for Dr. Muscle
– Tap update

Not in the beta? Click here to join: https://dr-muscle.com/beta-program/. Otherwise, you'll get a notification inside the app in 7-10 days when the public version comes out.

Now would be a good time to suggest and vote for our next feature. Please visit https://muscle.userecho.com/.

We've released 46 updates in 2021 (one a week or so). For the full list, see https://dr-muscle.com/timeline/.

Love Dr. Muscle? Upgrade to annual to get 4 months free. Training with a partner? Add them to your account for 50% off. Need help with your diet? Dr. Muscle now includes meal plans! Tap Get meal plan on your home page to get started.

Wanna do us a huge favor? Leave us a review on the app store. It's one of the main ways new people learn about us. It will take less than 2 minutes, and it would really help out!

Really appreciate your support and suggestions to improve the app. Thanks!

Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle