Your comments

It's the User Interface... The way the app looks and how easy it's to use/understand.

Considiring the current excersice si whitered, this seems normal to me...?

It's would need of earch exercise to be related to muscles with an indicator of effeciency.

I would say :

1- Do left

2- Do right

3- Pause

4- Go to #1

It's would be nice to be able to ask for the Turbo mode and after, the app is asking me how many sets per exercices i want to do... Voted for !

Clairely the new one, more data ! I rarely change my workouts and exercices... I follow the program i made...

Why not using a cache and send it when network come back instead of having to load it that way?

Also knowing the bodytype. I think it's only missing the current weight to be available.

Completly support, would facilitate bulk & cut...