Your comments

How about giving users the option in their own settings? Like this:

- Round down (easier)

- Do not round

- Round up (harder)

If you guys want us to work on that, make sure to vote +1 this topic (top left, under Bogdan's original post).

Hi Nick,

Yes, exactly.

I've updated the post above to include my previous response to Bogdan, which lead to his suggestion that was stop rounding down:

The 0% or -1% progression is because the app rounds down its weight to the nearest 2.5 lbs / 1 kg for safety. The default recommendation is always minimum 1% increase, but because the app rounds down, in some cases, you can get 0% or -1%. You should try to keep beating the app (do 1 more rep that recommended), so you'll always get an increase.

Here's more info (with an example). Maybe you can help:

For example:

- You lift 100 lbs
- On your next workout, you should lift 101 lbs (1% increase)
- The app sees this, and recommends 101 lbs 

How would you lift 101 lbs? Do you have 0.5 lbs plates?

Very few people do. So, we're forced to round to 100 lbs (0% increase).

Since you're using 100 lbs, but you should have been able to use 101 lbs, maybe you can squeeze out 1 extra rep.

In other words, since the app is forced to underestimates sometimes, I've defaulted to recommending people try and do 1 more rep than recommended.

* * *

How would you have handled that, Nick?

Maybe we can update the app and do better.

Good point: the app does recommend 1 set often right now. In the next version, we're going to tweak our recommendations and push a little harder. You'll do more sets. For now, I'm marking this as "Started". ETA is about 1 week (in beta) and 2 weeks (live).

Until then, if you prefer to do 3 sets, sure, go ahead and do 3 sets. But remember this: the point is to improve (get stronger). If you're improving with 1 set, maybe you don't need 3 sets. But if you like doing 3 sets, by all means enjoy yourself and do 3 sets.

We've begun working on that one and I'm marking it as "Started".

This one is definitely coming up and I'm marking it as "Planned".

Good point. I'll add this as a suggestion under your name.

I've been able to reproduce the bug. In fact, I had the same bug yesterday at the gym. Here's the catch:

If you open the new exercise in the Exercises section, you'll get the 6RM question.

If you open the new exercise in the Workouts section, you'll get the old interface.

This is definitely a bug and I'll get it fixed fast.

Thank you for catching that one Nick.


Note to staff: confirmed on both iOs and Android

Yes, absolutely! The app will compute new recommendations based on the info that remains. I've just tested this and I can confirm it works.

Good point and we'll definitely get to it. I'm marking this as planned.

For now, I recommend checking They have photos and videos for dozens of exercises for every major muscle group. They even have 92 exercises just for the abs :O