Your comments

I'm voting this +1 and marking it as "Planned." We should have it out in beta by next week.

The app will understand in more detail what's going on with your training and cut sets 50% and load 90% when you plateau—it will also let you know when its making these changes and link to an article on our blog that explains our approach to deloads.

For now, I do explain the different scenarios in the video demo at the top of this page: But that video will be outdated once we release the next update.

Thank you for your suggestion Steve.

I agree it might be a good idea to restrict the rep range for some exercises. Especially the olympic lifts, like you mentioned. Good thing we don't have those in the app!

Other trainers have argued biceps curls shouldn't be done for 4-5 reps. Only 6 reps or more. For deadlifts, I think they can be done safely for higher reps. They're just hard :)

For each of those, there's also the question of reps in reserve. If people are doing a set of 11 reps on the DL with a 13RM weight, even if it's hard, it's still safe.

Still, I'm thinking we could add a "restrict rep range" screen with default settings for biceps, deadlift, oly lifts, etc. each user could edit. We'll see if lots of people vote for this. Guys, what do you think?

Hi Nick!

I've tested this on my iPhone 5 (I know you're on iOs) and I'm not getting the same behaviour. When I create a new exercise, and I tap outside the box so I don't enter any 6RM, the exercise actually disapears from the list.

Could you give me the exact steps you go through, so I can reproduce this? Like this:

My exercises >

Add my own >

Tap outside >


I'll also ask Christelle to test this on her iPhone and comment back here. Thx!

Released in beta today. Will be made public this week. I'm marking this as completed. Yeah!

Published in beta today. Will be released this week. I'm marking this as "Completed." Yeeha!

Hi Dustin,

We've just released the back button (in beta). Since you're on iOs, you'll get it by Monday or Tuesday (Apple reviews every version manually). You'll get an email from Apple when they clear it.

Once you try the back button, please let me know if you still consider this idea (preview upcoming workout) important. Thx!

Yes, this is a known issue affecting only iOs users. We have it on our roadmap and I'm marking it as "Planned".

Yes, the back button is def coming.

About this:

> if I back out of an exercise via the home button, I lose my saved sets if I haven't "finished" the exercise.

I have the same issue and I agree it's a pain. We'll improve for sure.

For now, what I do (and recommend) is you save your sets (by taping "Finish exercise") before you move on. I do it when I do supersets.

Later, if you return to the same exercise during the same workout, you'll get a new recommendation. Ignore it. Your have your weight on the bar already. Just use the same weight and finish your sets. Maybe that's helpful.

Hey Dustin! Thanks for signin up ;)

What would you like to preview? Sets / reps / weights for each exercise?

Thank you for your feedback Dustin. This one is already being worked on, so I'm marking it as "Started". You should get a notification it's "Completed" very soon. Cheers!