
Edit exercise setup popup for exercises that don't use dumbbells

Derek Casari 5 years ago 0

Eexercises that you would not use dumbbells on, pop up as "a thing" when asked how much weight you can lift 6 times.

Image 73


Custom rest between sets

Jürgen Beck 6 years ago 0

I would find it useful to set the custom rest time between sets under settings at the exercise level (same page as custom reps).

Best regards,



Weekly email with a summary of what you did

Carl Juneau, PhD 6 years ago 0

Hi guys!

I got an idea for the app, but would like to know if you're interested before we build it. Would you like to get a weekly email with a summary of what you did that week? Things like:

- How many workouts
- Total sets
- Total reps
- New records (1RM)
- Top 3 exercises you've done the most

And more. 

Would that be of interest to you? If yes, please vote for this feature. Thx!


More guidance into total fitness

Michael Tijerina 6 years ago 0

I like a nice mix of warmup, strength, conditioning, and cool down. I think Dr. Muscle has great potential but a little more guidance into total fitness would be nice.


Summary after your workout about what you need to do next

Jeremy Stephens 6 years ago updated by Jim B 3 years ago 2

I would like to see it give more of a summary after your workout about what you need to do next. Goal for next workout, try to add more weight or do more reps for example, just more intelligence in a summary form (words) about your next work out. It does a good job telling me I went up X % etc... but looking forward to my next work out would be nice.


Update graphical user interface (GUI) in the latest material design

Markus Zinkl 7 years ago updated by Lars 3 years ago 1

Let me know how many more sets in the exercise after each set

McClure Jones 7 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 7 years ago 1

Let me know how many more sets in the exercise after each set.

Carl Juneau, PhD 7 years ago

This has been included in the latest update (see image):

The update is in beta on Android and under review by Apple (give it 1-2 days). Look for a public release early next week. To update, visit the app store app on your phone, search for Dr. Muscle, and tap "update".

Thanks for voting for this suggestion guys. To vote for our next feature, visit: https://muscle.userecho.com/.


Progression is 0% or even, sometimes, -1%

Bogdan Filip 8 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 8 years ago 17

Sometimes it sais to do that nr of reps with that weight to build muscle faster and after I do it it shows my progression as 0% or even , sometimes, as -1%. Why is this ?

Response from Carl:

The 0% or -1% progression is because the app rounds down its weight to the nearest 2.5 lbs / 1 kg for safety. The default recommendation is always minimum 1% increase, but because the app rounds down, in some cases, you can get 0% or -1%. You should try to keep beating the app (do 1 more rep that recommended), so you'll always get an increase.

Follow-up response from Bogdan:

Ok but let's say that last time I did a bench press with 100 kg.

     The app is now telling me to do 101 kg for 4 reps. Now I don't know if the app is increasing with 1% or not ( here is another problem becouse I can see the result only after I finish my exercise. Only then the app is telling me if I did -1% or 0 or +1%). 
So just to be sure that I will increase I need to do one more rep , wich in this case means a 25% increase wich is allmost impossibe and most important dangerous.
     I think the best solution would be that the app should not round the weight down and should show me EXACTLY the weight needed to increase that 1%.
     Now , If I don't have small plates ( wich by the way , I do ) I will round down to what I have and do one more rep or round up and do one less, wichever is closer.
     The next best thing would be that if the app rounds down the weight it should advise me before the set or it should automatically increase with one more rep.
     For me is very important to get a small increase every workout. I had a lot of waisted sets when the app reccomanded -1% or 0% and I saw the result only after finishing the exercises.

Carl Juneau, PhD 8 years ago

The app now always rounds up. Rounding down didn't make sense because of accidental deloads. I'm marking this as "Completed".


Back button deletes the sets you've done so far, when you back out

Dustin Barber 8 years ago updated by Carl Juneau, PhD 8 years ago 3
Carl Juneau, PhD 8 years ago

This has been fixed with the current release (supersets). I'm marking this as "Fixed".


Streak breaks when the year changes

Seppo V 2 months ago updated 2 months ago 2

This is no biggie, but I noticed that my 16-or-so week workout streak was broken at the start or the year, although I have had already two workouts this week.